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Don’t Feel Guilty About Your Mommy Makeover

Woman Lifting Up Baby on Beach After Mommy MakeoverA mommy makeover can help you feel better about your body and more prepared to tackle the challenges of parenthood — but so many mothers feel guilty about spending time and money on something that’s just for them. While this is a perfectly normal feeling, we’re here to remind you of how beneficial a mommy makeover can be for you and your family. If you’re considering a mommy makeover but feel like you can’t take the next step, keep on reading.

Be Your Best Self

Plastic surgery requires time and money that you and your family may not have an abundance of now that a new child has entered your life. While this may be true, giving yourself the gift of a rejuvenated body now can help your family in the long run.

How so? When you look and feel your best, you’ll have more energy and confidence. These positive feelings will extend to your children and other family members and can help make your home a warm, inviting place.

Get a Fresh Start

A baby signals a new chapter in your life. Use this to your advantage by giving your body a fresh start as well.

Pregnancy and childbirth can take a toll on your body and leave you feeling less than confident about your appearance. A mommy makeover can bolster your self-confidence by addressing:

  • Loose, drooping skin in your abdomen
  • Damaged abdominal muscles
  • Breasts that appear sagging or deflated
  • Pockets of stubborn fat

You can combine nearly any number of cosmetic procedures in your mommy makeover. The most common include a tummy tuck, breast augmentation and/or breast lift, and liposuction. Dr. Fugo will help you determine what’s best for your body, health and treatment goals. 

Remember That You Deserve It

Motherhood can be a selfless job that requires you to put the needs of your family before your own, but you deserve to put yourself first this time. Dr. Fugo understands that taking time away from your family can be difficult, which is why he provides you with detailed care instructions and specialized compression garments. This allows you to resume your responsibilities as soon as possible.

Minimize Your Mommy Makeover Risks

All plastic surgery procedures carry some level of risk. Doing your due diligence to minimize these risks allows you to ease any worries that complications and side effects will hinder your ability to care for your family. Consider the following to make the best possible decisions about your mommy makeover:

  • Chose an experienced plastic surgeon. Fugo is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has undergone extensive surgical training.
  • Pick a reputable facility. Read our reviews to learn more about our patients’ experiences.
  • Address all concerns with your surgeon during your consultation. Fugo will ensure he has a complete understanding of your medical history and has answered all your questions before proceeding with surgery.
  • Invite your family to be part of the process. Your spouse and/or other family members are welcome to attend your consultation and wait for you while your surgery is performed.


  • Make accommodations for yourself and your family while you recover. Ask someone you trust to check in on your family while you’re away, and consider spending some of your recovery time in a hotel so you can recuperate free from distractions.

Get a Mommy Makeover in New Windsor, NY

If you have any additional questions or would like to discuss a mommy makeover with our team, please call 845-565-7040. We serve patients in New Windsor, New York, and surrounding areas, including Orange County and New York City.

The post Don’t Feel Guilty About Your Mommy Makeover appeared first on Fugo Plastic Surgery.


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